Random Acts of Kindness

A Melrose Learning Trust School

‘In a world where you can be anything…be kind.’

As part of our Emotional Well-Being work, Mrs Kirkwood (our EWB Lead), has introduced the ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ initiative.

This involves children going out of school on a weekly basis into the local community and sharing acts of kindness with different people.

The purpose of this is to promote a positive and caring ethos from the school into the local community. It also acts as a vehicle to allow children to experience the emotional feeling of kindness, as well as the importance of being kind to people, without expecting anything in return.

Since the COVID 19 pandemic, we are currently restricted from going out into the local community. However, as a school, we are passionate about keeping this initiative going. Therefore, children are now carrying our Random Acts of Kindness at home and sending these into school.

We have two books in school which perfectly capture how special and unique this initiative is. We also share our Random Acts of Kindness through our weekly newsletter.

I’ve been talking to the girls about the Feeding Families project where people can donate Christmas food hampers to families in need this winter.

I suggested they could take something off each of their Christmas lists and the money, that would have gone to Santa for these presents, could be used to buy things for a hamper for a family who needs food and toiletries much more than the girls need an extra present each.

They know how lucky they are to have a lovely home and school life and not worry about food and things that some children do.

As well as donating a hamper people can register to be matched to a family so they can deliver their own fresh hamper direct to the family just before Christmas. The scheme is still running as far as I’m aware if anyone else would be interested in getting involved.  Their website is feedingfamilies.org.uk


At Myla’s swimming lesson there was a new little girl in the class who continued to cry because she was nervous. It was her first time in the class and going in the deep end of the pool.

From a distance, Myla’s Mam saw Myla putting her arm around the girl and patting her back.  At the end of the lesson, the little girl told her Mam, Myla had kept asking if she was okay and telling her, she was doing really well!

Over this year the girls have seen how life has changed for many people, us included, and they have seen how some families have lost their jobs and their livelihoods. The girls had asked to do something this Christmas for a family less fortunate than ourselves and others.

They wanted to do a hamper for a family with nice things in for Christmas that us and others may take for granted. Over the past few weeks we have been shopping and have made up a hamper for a family struggling this Christmas.

At the weekend we delivered to the volunteers of cause hampers to be distributed to a family in the local region. I’ve attached some photos of the girls with the hamper and delivering it on Saturday.

Bertie (Year 3) wanted to fill a shoebox to give to a boy of a similar age. He picked out some of his favourite toys and toiletries and wrote a letter hoping to stay in touch with whoever received it. Well done Bertie, you are such a thoughtful boy.

Josh and Joseph have been litter picking around the village. We joined a group on Facebook called “Easington Wombles” which is encouraging members of our community to make Easington a cleaner place to live. The boys have loved helping and are really shocked at how much litter there is around our beautiful village.

Well done Josh and Joseph, what a fantastic thing to do! We are very proud of you both. We hope to follow your example and get our school involved in this fantastic project

We would just like to let you know how proud we are of Missy. Our friend has been diagnosed with cancer and after a difficult year of cancelled appointments due to covid their family have found themselves having to pay to get the right treatment. Missy overheard us talking about other fund raising events that had been going on so she said she wanted to try to help. We had previously been taking her out running which she was enjoying so we decided on running a mile a day for 7 days and has raised £270 with generous donations from our friends and family. Missy did great even in the wet, cold and dark mornings and we are so proud of her. Here is a link for ‘saving Emma’ on www.gofundme.com for anyone that is interested; I’m sure any help would be appreciated. https://uk.gofundme.com/f/tmzd2-saving-emma Missy this really is amazing! You are such a kind and thoughtful girl. Well done.