
A Melrose Learning Trust School

What does History look like at Easington C of E

Primary School



Subject Leader – Miss Defty 

At Easington C of E Primary School, we aim for all of our wonderful children to develop the roots to grow and the wings to fly. Through History, children will have the wings to fly by developing the confidence and independence to gain a deep and meaningful knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world. Children will be taught to embrace and be proud of their local heritage and the community in which they live. We want our children to gain a deep and meaningful knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world. Whilst meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum, our History Curriculum is also designed to be relevant and meaningful to our children. It is bespoke to their locality and heritage.


There are key themes that are an integral part of our History Curriculum. Themes that again are relevant to the needs of our children. The themes are as follows:


  • LEGACY – when learning about a significant aspect in History, children will learn about the legacy and influence this has had on their locality and lives e.g. how did the Romans change life in Britain? What would our lives be like now if they did not invade?
  • DIVERSITY – when learning about a significant aspect in History, children will learn the importance of diversity and gain an understanding that not everywhere in Britain and the World is the same as where they live. They will enhance their understanding of how Britain has changed to a multi-cultural society, whilst also understanding how where they live has changed e.g. how my village has changed in the past 50 years.
  • EQUALITY – when learning about a significant aspect in History, children will learn about the class system and the impact this had at that time they are studying e.g. why more did more poor people die on the Titanic.
  • RESILIENCE – when learning about a significant aspect in History, children will be challenged to debate, enquire and think critically. They will learn what resilience is and why it has been an important trait throughout British and world history e.g. the life of a County Durham Miner.



A vital element of our History Curriculum is to ensure our children gain a deep knowledge of specific history topics, which they can apply as they progress in their journey through History. We are passionate about children building on prior knowledge so that their understanding is thorough and coherent.

Due to the class structure in school, our History Curriculum is based on a Two-year cycle. This ensures accurate curriculum coverage and provides children with clear opportunities to build upon prior knowledge.

There are clear links to prior learning and knowledge throughout our History Curriculum. These links are based on chronological narrative e.g.

Year A Year B Year B
Year 4/5 Autumn 2

The Romans invade Britain.

Autumn 2

What did the Romans ever do for us?

Spring 2

Why did the Romans leave our shores?

Year 5/6 Autumn 2

The resistance from Boudicca

Autumn 2

What was it like to live in Roman Britain?

Spring 2

Who were the Anglo Saxons?


These links are also based upon revisiting topics previously taught and focusing on the sequence of events that led up to the significant aspect of history e.g.

Year A
Year 1/2 Autumn 2 – Changes beyond living memory 

Why should we remember the 5th November?

Year 2/3 Autumn 2 – A study of British History beyond 1066

Why did the Tudor period end? Should a Scotsman have been King of England?


Our History Curriculum will challenge our children to think critically, analyse and interpret evidence, provide viewpoints and overall judgements based on their historical knowledge. The vehicle for achieving this comes in the form of a Debate Question/Discussion at the end of each History Topic. The debate will also provide a platform for children to apply and consolidate their knowledge and understanding, whilst using specific vocabulary relevant to the time period.

Examples of Debate Questions:

Year A Year B Year B
Year 4/5 The Romans

Should you invade because you can?

The Romans

The Roman invasion was good for Britain – discuss.

The Romans

The Romans were responsible for their own downfall – discuss.

Year 5/6 The Romans

Boudicca…Success or Failure?

The Romans

How were the Romans ahead of their time?

Anglo Saxons

Life was better in Britain under the Anglo Saxons than the Romans – discuss.


Through following our bespoke, personalised History Curriculum, by the end of Key Stage 2, our children will have developed a deep knowledge and understanding of History in their long-term memory. This will provide them with the foundation needed for a successful transition into the next stage of education.

Curriculum Impact

Ongoing assessments take place throughout the year. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons; ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. This data is analysed on a termly basis to inform and address any trends or gaps in attainment.

History is assessed on a half-termly basis or when the subject is taught through an ‘Our Curriculum’ Topic. Children are assessed against the knowledge and skills taught in each topic and are judged Below Standard, At Standard or Higher Standard. Teachers use these judgements to arrive at an overall assessment judgement at the end of the year.