A Melrose Learning Trust School

What does EYFS look like at Easington C of E Primary School?


EYFS Teacher – Ms Lilley

 At Easington C of E Primary School our EYFS curriculum is designed with our whole school vision at its forefront:”

“May we give them the roots to grow and the wings to fly.”

Through this vision, EYFS children are given a strong foundation (roots) to their education. This then enables our youngest children to develop their knowledge and skills to become independent learners ready for the next step into Year 1 in their educational journey (wings to fly).

                                  “Play is the work of the child”

                                                     Maria Montessori

EYFS Curriculum Offer


Our EYFS curriculum offer meets all the Statutory Framework requirements for the early years foundation stage (DFE 2021) as well as reflecting our particular needs as a small village community with a proud mining heritage.

Our EYFS curriculum offer is designed to be broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. It teaches them about their local community and gives them a sense of pride in where they live. We provide them with precious, memorable experiences that enhance their learning using local places to visit. It enables our children to be confident, independent and resilient young people with strong Christian Values. Our EYFS curriculum offer supports our youngest children to progress from their individual starting points preparing them for the next stage of their education.

Our ethos in the Early Years is to support the Personal, Social and Emotional Development of our youngest children to enable them to feel safe, secure and ready to learn. As such there is a strong emphasis on the Prime areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. The children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave as a result of our strong Christian vision, associated values and nurturing ethos.

Through the Prime and Specific areas of learning we provide themes that excite and engage children, building on own interests and developing their experiences of the world around them. We recognise that all children come into our school from a variety of local settings with varied experiences and all staff work hard to ensure that the learning opportunities provided widen their knowledge and set ambitious expectations for all children. Those children with additional needs are supported appropriately allowing them to be successful.

Ultimately, we want our EYFS children to be happy, enjoy learning and feel fully ready for the next step in their life journey.


Each half term, the reception teacher introduces a new theme to provide inspiration for learning, whilst providing flexibility for children to follow their own interests and ideas. At Easington C of E children learn through a balance of child initiated and adult directed experiences within our learning landscape..

Play matters at Easington C of E Primary School, the day is carefully structured so that children have child initiated and adult directed teaching time throughout the day. Children are provided with plenty of time to engage in their own ‘Investigations’ exploring a variety intentional learning areas within the learning landscape. The EYFS curriculum offer is planned for the inside and outside with equal importance given to learning in both areas


Reading is at the heart of our EYFS and wider school curriculum and our aim is to encourage a love of reading right from the start. In EYFS we have core texts as a basis for theme planning that we read frequently to our children each half term. The aim is to expose children to a range of books that not only develop a life-long love of reading, but have been chosen to develop their language comprehension and word reading skills. Giving our children extensive opportunities through conversation, storytelling and role play to use and embed new words from stories, rhymes, poems and songs will give our children the opportunity to thrive.


Since September 2021, Easington C of E Primary School have been embedding the following Linguistics based phonics programme called Sounds-Write. It is a quality first phonics programme. Its purpose is to provide classroom professionals with a comprehensive system with which to teach reading, spelling and writing. At Easington C of E it is introduced in Reception, taught in KS1 and fine-tuned throughout the rest of Key Stage 2.

Children are encouraged to read at home and are listened to regularly at school. The children are given books that match their phonics knowledge in order for them to apply their learning with the aim of becoming successful, confident and fluent readers.


In Reception we follow the wider schools White Rose Maths Scheme of work. Early mathematical knowledge is an essential foundation stone of every child’s educational journey and what they learn in maths in these early years is a major predictor of later success. Our engaging and inspiring intentional learning areas help children explore mathematics in meaningful ways across the learning landscape. They also encourage the development of the core maths skills that make up the early years mathematics curriculum offer observed within daily adult led teaching and child initiated play.

Wider EYFS Curriculum

Our wider curriculum offer is taught though the following learning areas:

Understanding of the world

At Easington C of E we have a strong focus on the foundation subjects of The Natural World (Science), Past and Present (History), People and Communities (Geography and RE). Subject Leaders throughout the school are acutely aware of the key ELG’s that link to each foundation subject and the progression of that subject throughout school starting from EYFS.

Expressive Arts and Design

At Easington C of E we deliver a variety of knowledge and skills based on the wider schools Kapow scheme of learning for Expressive Art, Craft and Design. Children are given regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore a wide range of media and materials. Through robust EYFS themes and rigorous learning landscape we ensure the children have time to investigate, use and refine skills. Return to and build on previous learning. Create collaboratively. Listen attentively to music. Watch and talk about dance and performing arts. Sing and develop story lines in their play.

As a wider school we deliver music skills and knowledge through Durham Music Services – Charanga Online Music School.

Further opportunities for the EYFS children include:

  • Visitors into school to enhance children’s learning – Peterlee Fire fighters and fire engine, School Nursing Team, P.C.S.O’s, Early Years Yoga Coach, Early Years Dance Coach, Fundamental Movement Skills Coach and Hoop Starz.
  • Visits into the local community – Autumn walks to the local park on the village green, library visits into Easington Colliery Library, Summer walk to East Durham Garden Centre and EYFS Dance Festival.
  • Educational Visits into the wider local area – Summerhill Nature Park, Hartlepool, Durham Oriental Museum, Durham City, Hall Hill Farm, Lanchester.

An inclusive approach

Our Inclusive approach means that all children learn together, but we have a range of intervention and support for children who may not be reaching their full potential. Through our wider school S.E.N.D. Graduated Approach, Early Identification is crucial to identify gaps in learning. This may include ‘Working Together’ sessions with staff for developing speech and language, social skills, fine motor skills, phonics and mathematics. Robust planning, formative assessment and half termly reviews of interventions ensures intervention planning is smart and meets the needs of the children. Next steps for learning are planned for with the child’s needs at the centre of everything we do.



Prior to children starting, the reception teacher at Easington C of E spends quality time during transition visits to a variety of local nursery provision, speaking to staff regarding the children in their care that come to Easington C of E in the September. During the first half term the EYFS staff spend planned quality time working alongside the children to begin to build a profile of each child. What their interests are, what they know and what they can do upon entry to our setting. This helps to identify children’s starting points in all areas so we can effectively plan to ensure progress.

Since Sept 2021 Easington C of E have be participating in the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) this assessment which focuses on ‘Language, Communication and Literacy and Mathematics’.

Ongoing Observations

Throughout the academic year all on going observations are used to inform weekly planning (EYFS Statement of Intent) and identify children’s next steps. This formative assessment does not involve prolonged periods of time away from the children and excessive paperwork. EYFS staff Look Listen and Note ‘Wow moments’ including noting the childs voice when appropriate which at Easington C of E we feel reveals understanding. EYFS staff draw on their knowledge of the child from day to day experiences within the learning landscape and their own expert professional judgements through discussions with each other.


Pupil Progress meetings are carried out 3 times a year with the Head teacher and EYFS teacher to discuss individual children’s progress throughout the year.

Parental consultation meetings are organised twice a year to invite parents to meet with the EYFS teacher and discuss their child’s progress.

Reports are shared with parents twice a year to update parents and carers on their child’s progress at Easter and at the end of the academic year.

In summer term 2 the statutory summative assessment ‘EYFSP’ is completed where the teacher judges whether a child has met each of the Early Learning Goal’s within 7 Prime and Specific areas of learning. Each child will be assessed as being either ‘On track’ or ‘Not on track’. This is then shared with parents through the end of year school report.

The children’s characteristics of effective learning are also shared with families.

Impact is also evident through successful transitions into Year 1. Children leave the EYFS stage school ready with essential knowledge and skills required for everyday life and life-long learning. Children at Easington Church of England School are happy, healthy, fulfilled and successful learners.

Reviewed 17.6.2024