Dear Parents and Carers,
As yet the only guidance we have is that for vulnerable children and children where at least one parent is a Key Worker, a child may attend school under the Key Worker provision. However, in the past few days, we have had a very high number of parents wishing to access this in our school.
In line with our current Risk Assessment, I have to inform you that we are very close to the maximum number of children we can accept in school to keep in line with social distancing guidance, ensure the health and safety of all children and staff and also have enough staff to provide both remote learning to those children at home and provision for those children attending school. If we do get to capacity, we may need to introduce a system whereby individual circumstances will need to be outlined in writing in order for places to be prioritised.
Please can I appeal to all of you, that where possible, you do keep your child at home and that parents who may fall within the Key Worker category only request places if you are actually physically required to attend work.
At present, schools are only required to offer places for those families of vulnerable and key worker children where no parents/carers are at home. If a parent/carer is at home, regardless of whether they are a Key Worker, then the child should access the remote learning set by school.
If the above is not adhered to, it may be that we will be unable to accommodate all children who request a place, whilst also ensuring our risk assessment sufficiently mitigates risks for staff and children in school.
In light of this communication, please contact the school via email at to inform us if you no longer need a place on certain days.
The Key Worker provision in school will continue to be assessed and monitored on a weekly basis.
The purpose of schools closing was to reduce the number of children and staff attending a school setting and we really need your support to ensure that this happens in our school.
Thank you for your support with this matter.
Kind regards,
Mr Appleby