A letter from Richard Crane and Amanda Healy

A Melrose Learning Trust School
Please find below a letter from the Local Authority sent to all schools in County Durham to share with parents.  As school was closed this week, children will not have had close contact in our setting, however, it is still imperative that we are informed if your child tests positive for COVID 19 during the half term break.   Dear Parents, Firstly can I thank everyone, children, parents and school staff alike for their efforts during this first term back to school. Although it’s been a challenge for many we have started to see a steady rhythm within schools living under covid measures. Thank you. It is in this respect that I write to you today. With the high rates of COVID-19 in County Durham currently, I am asking parents to let the school know if their child tests positive for COVID-19 during the half term break. If your son or daughter receives a positive COVID-19 test after Friday 23rd October 2020 please contact the school immediately via email easingtonce@durhamlearning.net and provide the following information:  Name of child Class/year group  Date of the COVID-19 test  Does the child have symptoms? Yes or No  What date did the symptoms start?  What date did the child last attend school? It is very important that you provide this information so that the school can identify any close contacts that your son or daughter may have had in school during their infectious period. The school will then follow up close contacts and request that they isolate for 14 days to prevent further transmission of COVID-19. Please note that you should also report any close contacts that your child has had outside the school setting through NHS Test and Trace. If you are unable to speak to your school please make sure you have provided information of all close contacts within the school to NHS Test and Trace. In addition I know our children and young people will still want to see their friends during the holidays, but please can I remind all parents that children and young people must not meet up in groups larger than six people (of any age) and that young people should not be gathering indoors with friends. Please also remember where they do meet up in groups of six or less they should still observe social distancing and good hand hygiene. Helping our children and young people to understand the importance of this will help to keep us all safe and healthy. Thank you again for your help in this matter and I wish you a safe and well half term break. Your sincerely Amanda Healy, Director of Public Health for County Durham Richard Crane, Head of Education and Skills Find out more at www.durham.gov.uk/article/23337/Staying-safe-at-school-coronavirus-  

Coronation Day – May 2023

Coronation Day at Easington C of E Primary School….wishing all of our families a restful and enjoyable Bank Holiday Weekend. Happy, Healthy and Fulfilled 😊🤴😊 | By Easington Church of England Primary School | Facebook


Someone Special Lunch – March 2023

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Peterlee Fire Station visit to school – March 2023

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