Following the launch of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing in secondary schools in early January, all staff in primary schools are now being offered to take part in regular asymptomatic testing. This testing programme is a vital addition in supporting schools to maintain the best education possible throughout this pandemic.
All staff within school will be provided with Lateral Flow Device (LFD) Test Kits to self-swab from week beginning 25th January 2021. Staff will carry out the test twice a week and school will record all test results and liaise with Public Health England if required.
Staff who provide a negative LFD result will continue to attend work as normal and will continue to follow our school health and safety measures that are in line with our current risk assessments. Staff who provide a positive LFD result will need to self-isolate in line with the stay-at-home guidance and arrange a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to confirm the positive result.
If a member of staff does have to isolate due to a positive test, then your child may be required to stay at home and access the remote learning provision for the period of the staff absence. I will inform parents as soon as possible if this is the case.
Please note, the asymptomatic testing programme outlined above does not replace the current testing in place for those who have symptoms. Any staff or pupils with COVID-19 symptoms will still be required to self-isolate immediately according to government guidelines.
Thank you for your support and understanding with this matter.
Kind regards
Mr Appleby