Good evening everyone
Following the PM announcement at 8pm we are unfortunately not able to open tomorrow as planned for all children. I apologise for the lateness of this information but as I explained in my previous correspondence, I can only share updates once I have received them myself. The situation we find ourselves in is very challenging and frustrating.
From Tuesday 5th January school will only be open for children of Key Workers and Vulnerable children ( please follow the link for guidance on this -
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision ). All other children will access remote learning (see below for further information). Children who attend school will complete the same work as those children who do not.
If you are a key worker and you need childcare for TOMORROW then please email easingtonce@durhamlearning.net as soon as possible so I can arrange provision for this. Further communication will follow tomorrow regarding whether key worker parents require children to be in school for the rest of the week.
Please note, in the interests of health and safety for everyone, children should only be accessing school provision as a last resort when they can not be kept at home.
Remote learning will work in the same way as when school was closed in the autumn term. The work set by teachers will be a direct reflection of the work children would have completed had they been in school. Work for all classes will be available on our school website from 9am each day. Mrs Bowden-Stoker will send a text out every morning when the work is available. Children must submit the completed work to their teacher via the Class Dojo app to allow teachers to mark the work and provide appropriate feedback.
I am well aware that everyone’s work and family circumstances are different. Please do not worry if children cannot complete work during ‘normal’ school hours. Please submit the work as and when it is completed and teachers will endeavour to provide feedback as quickly as possible.
However, I must point out that it is an expectation that children will complete the work set. Teachers will be keeping a record of this and I will contact parents at the end of each week if children are not submitting any work. It is likely that remote learning will take place until the February half term (6 weeks). Therefore it is essential children complete the work set.
As a staff, we are incredibly saddened and disappointed that we cannot welcome back our wonderful children as planned tomorrow. However I think we all understand and respect why this decision has been made.
Thank you for your understanding and patience and rest assured, as soon as we are allowed to open school again for all pupils, we will.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch at easingtonce@durhamlearning.net
Kind regards
Mr Appleby