Before / After School Provision

A Melrose Learning Trust School

Before School (Breakfast) Club 7.45-8.45am :  £3.00

Breakfast will be provided (toast, cereals, etc) children will be supervised and then sent to classes when learning time begins.

Tea Time Club – 3.30-4.30pm £4.50

This provision is only for those families who need childcare. Tea-Time Club is held in a classroom and the children attending watch a movie, colour in and play boardgames. This provision is overseen by staff in school.

Extra Tea Time Club  – 4.30-5.00pm £2.00  (snack included)

A snack will be provided (included in the cost) if your child is accessing the childcare provision from 4.30 until 5.00pm.

Children can be collected from school at either 4.30pm or 5.00pm, which will be identified depending on the option you choose for each day.

Our Breakfast Club and Tea Time Club provision are booked and paid for via our ParentPay system.  If there are exceptional circumstances, or an emergency, please contact the School Office and as always we will try to accommodate your request.

Financial assistance may be available if parents are unable to pay the cost of the childcare.  For further information, please arrange to speak with Mr Appleby.

Enrichment Clubs3.30-4.30pm

We also have a wide range of fantastic and engaging Enrichment Clubs running throughout the year including clubs ran by Foundation of Light, Go-Well and other external companies or school staff. These clubs extend our already excellent curriculum provision in school and support children with specific interests. Two to three Enrichment clubs run each half term on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm. Examples of some of the Enrichment clubs that have taken place so far this academic year are :

  • Cookery
  • Table Tennis
  • Invasion Games
  • Choir
  • Yoga/Dance
  • Lego
  • Science
  • Move with Max (EYFS/KS1 multi-skills)