Collective Worship

A Melrose Learning Trust School


Medium Term Planning – Autumn 1  – Collective Worship Planning

Collective Worship is an important part of school life here at Easington C of E Primary School. Together we gather in the hall to learn more about our Christian Values and the teachings of Jesus through the Bible. Children often lead prayers within worship and we end our worships with the School Prayer or the Lord’s Prayer.

Reverend Lucy from St Mary’s church comes into the school and leads Collective Worship. Members of the church congregation are also invited into school to join in Collective Worship when Reverend Lucy is leading us in prayer.

Once a week, worship takes place in the form of Class Worship. For this, children learn about the school value their class is focusing on during each half term. This includes learning about relevant Bible stories linked to each value.

All classes also have a Reflection Area which children are encouraged to use as a prayer and reflection area. The Reflection areas change on a half-termly basis and are usually linked to a School Value.