Dear parents/carers,
Last week we notified you of the school decision to utilise ‘Class dojo’ as a means of regularly contacting children. However, following feedback from parents and children, we have decided that each class teacher will instead use a ‘Zoom’ meeting with groups of children from their class. This is mainly due to feedback from the children during telephone conversations that they were missing interaction with their peers. Whilst we realise that this will not completely solve this issue, we hope that it goes some way to alleviate some of these worries that the children may have.
To that end, each teacher will organise the children in groups of no more than six children and every effort will be made to ensure that your child is in a call with at least one of their friends. Zoom meetings will take place every Wednesday on a fortnightly basis and will last for a maximum of thirty minutes - please consider that teachers will have 5 meetings to hold in order to contact their whole class so they need to be managed as efficiently as possible.
In order to meet this request from parents, we need to ensure that we have an up-to-date email address that each teacher can use to invite you into the meeting. Mrs Bowden-Stoker will be in touch to confirm your email address. You will also need to download the Zoom app. Our youngest children will obviously need help in accessing the meeting and parents are more than welcome to sit in the same room as your child for support.
The email address the invite will be sent from will only be for the purpose of the Zoom meetings. The meeting invite will be sent on the Tuesday before the meeting and will contain the time the meeting is scheduled for. This time will remain the same for each group every fortnight.
If, for whatever reason, your child misses their scheduled meeting with the class, their class teacher will ring home to make contact. Each teacher will host their Zoom Meetings on a Wednesday, as this is the day school is closed for deep cleaning.
The first Zoom calls are due to take place on Wednesday 17th June 2020. Just to confirm, teachers will send an email on the Tuesday inviting you to the meeting. The email will contain the time the meeting is scheduled for and the password to access the meeting.
Many thanks
Mr Appleby and Mr Churchill