Dear Parents & Carers,
RE: Confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in school
Many thanks for your patience and support to our school community today, as ever this is extremely welcomed and much appreciated.
As confirmed via text message, Mr Appleby our School Head Teacher has received a positive COVID-19 test. There have been no other positive test cases in school. I can also reassure you that Mr Appleby did not show any symptoms whilst in school and is now self-isolating in line with the government guidance.
The school contacted the dedicated helpline for Public Health England and were directed to a local health protection team who worked with us to guide us on what further actions to take.
The helpline’s team conducted an investigation to confirm who had been in close contact with Mr Appleby during the infection period and to ensure that those required to do so were asked to self-isolate. Close contacts have been identified and informed.
Close contacts are:
· Those who have been in face-to-face contact with the infected individual for any length of time within one metre, including being coughed on, having a face-to-face conversation or having unprotected skin-to-skin contact.
· Those who have been in extended close contact with the infected individual, i.e. within one to two metres for more than 15 minutes.
· Those who have travelled in a small vehicle, e.g. a car, with the infected individual.
All staff members identified as close contacts have been advised to self-isolate for 14 days.
No child has been identified as a close contact therefore you do not need to take any action at this point. Your child will not be penalised for non-attendance and remote education will be provided throughout the period they are at home.
The other members of your household are not required to self-isolate unless your child subsequently develops symptoms. If your child develops symptoms, they will need to self-isolate for 10 days from the day their symptoms began, and the other members of your household for 14 days from this day.
All staff and children will be able to access a test if they begin to display symptoms of coronavirus. If your child develops symptoms, I strongly advise that you access a test for them. You can arrange a test on the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/ask-for-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/
I would like to reassure you that we take any suspected and confirmed cases of coronavirus very seriously and the whole school will undergo a deep clean before re-opening.
As well as liaison with Public Health England the school has sought advice from the Local Authority and the Joint Education Team at the Church of England Dioceses of Durham and Newcastle; collectively the school has been advised to close until after the half term break and will re-open on Monday 2nd November 2020. This is due to the reduced staffing levels as a result of self-isolation periods.
Until half term staff will be working from home and will be providing children, via remote access, with their usual teaching and learning.
I understand that you may find this news worrying, so please get in touch with school to discuss any concerns you may have.
I am sure you will all join me in wishing Mr Appleby a safe recovery.
Yours sincerely,
Claire Mitchell
Chair of Governors