
A Melrose Learning Trust School

A Safeguarding Guide for Parents

We would like to share our school policies and procedures that we follow. Through these policies and procedures we ensure that children are taught and encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices.

School policies are in place so that there is a consistent approach to practice throughout school and that they are adhered to by all staff, governors and other adults in school.

At Easington CofE Primary School we:

  • are good role models for children
  • enjoy our work and working with children
  • are conscientious and hard-working
  • welcome and support visitors to school
  • recognise and value strengths in each other and use these to support everyone
  • work within the agreed policies of the school
  • promote a happy, caring and safe school
  • encourage children to think for themselves, ask questions and find answers
  • create an environment of trust
  • challenge and support children in their learning

We have numerous policies in place to safeguard our children.

They include:

CHILD PROTECTION within Safeguarding
This is a sensitive area in which all staff and governors receive regular training. School and other services for children and families all work together to support the needs of children.  Mr Appleby is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding in our school.   Mr Churchill, Mrs Appleby and Mrs Bowden-Stoker are the Deputy Safeguarding Leads.   All have undertaken additional training.  Mrs Egan is our Safeguarding Governor and undertakes regular monitoring visits and is also Safer Recruitment trained.

Our Child Protection within Safeguarding policy is available in school and on our website.

All stakeholders understand the importance of good attendance.  We listen, support and empathise with our families but we do not tolerate poor attendance.  Children’s attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis. Notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up by the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Officer.

From September 2015, the government has set new standards for attendance. Expected attendance is now at 96%.  Anything below 90% is seen as persistent absenteeism. Each term, children who have an attendance of 96% or above, are entered into a prize draw and are rewarded by a certificate and a prize.  We also have an attendance trophy awarded to the class with the highest attendance on a weekly basis. 

High standards of behaviour are expected in school. However, as we all know children do fallout from time to time, as do adults. Where this happens, staff deal with this in a sensitive way. Children are given time to explain what the problem is and helps the issue to be resolved. Children are often reminded about our school rules and our school values. Children know that we have rules in order for everyone to be happy and keep safe in school.

The school’s policy and procedures for behaviour are followed by all staff and the ‘Code of Conduct’ states expectations of behaviour, in all activities, throughout the school day. Comprehensive Personal and Social Education programmes are in place in every year group to develop children’s social skills and give strategies to help children to resolve situations they will encounter in life.

The Behaviour Policy and Anti Bullying Policy are available on the website and in school.

Everyone at our school is aware of their responsibility to ensure all children and adults are able to work in a healthy and safe environment. Several members of staff are fully qualified First Aiders. Training has been undertaken by certain staff to administer prescribed medication and timing is given by specialist Health Care Professionals to deal with individual medical conditions.

An annual audit takes place with full inspections every term. Outdoor equipment is inspected daily. There are many other aspects of Health and Safety in school. Please see our Health and Safety Policy for further information..

Governors and the school ensure that all staff new to the school and any volunteers are DBS checked. These are re-checked every five years .  Full references are required before any person takes up post.  Safer Recruitment training has been completed by the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, School Business Manager, Chair of Governors and our Safeguarding Governor.

Should parents have any concerns, all school staff will listen and follow up any issues arising.  We are committed to working closely with parents and carers for the benefit of the children no concern is too small and, at this stage, can be prevented from becoming a bigger issue.  There is a clear procedure in our Complaints Policy for dealing with any issues.

Parents should talk to the child’s teacher in the first instance and then Mr Appleby.  If the issue remains unresolved then a letter should be sent to the Chair of Governors, via the school following our Complaints Policy which is available in school and on the website.

We all know that children thrive when school and families work closely together.  All staff and governors at our school are totally committed to this. All our policies are available in school or on the website.

School Policy – Safeguarding Policy Sept 2024.docx

Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy – Primary version MARCH 2023

Department for Education Statutory Guidance –  KCSIE_2024_Part_One

Durham Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2022/2023 DSCP-Annual_Report-2022-2023

We are an Operation Encompass school. Please read this document for further information operation-encompass 

As a parent if you have any concerns about a child there are a number of ways to share these concerns.

  • Durham First Contact – 03000 267 979
  • Seaham One Point – 03000 261 117
  • Easington Children’s Centre – 03000 268 486
  • Durham Local Safeguarding Children Board – 03000 265 770

As a child if you are feeling worried you can

  • Talk to a trusted adult
  • Contact NSPCC Childline – 0800 11 11

‘There is an exceptionally strong culture of safeguarding at Easington CE Primary. This starts with leaders, including governors, and is shared by staff and pupils.’ November 2023

‘Pupils are involved in safeguarding activities and fully understand how to keep themselves safe in school and out of school.’ November 2023

‘A Clear shared vision and values alongside consistent high expectations leads to positive behaviour, high levels of engagement and a calm and purposeful learning environment.’ November 2023

‘Pupils all enjoy school and feel very safe.’ November 2023

‘Personal development is a strength of school and pupils demonstrate a mature understanding of equalities, protected characteristics and Fundamental British Values. This is developed through a range of activities, including a programme of ‘Family Fridays’ linked to key events, a strong RSE curriculum and a range of visitors and education visits, including residentials.’ November 2023

‘Relationships between staff and children are incredibly strong, and this is reinforced by the views of pupils. They describe staff as ‘brilliant’ and talk about the help and support they provide, including managing any behaviour incidents. These strong relationships extend to parents and carers too, ensuring the school continues to be a popular choice for potential parents.’ November 2023

‘Relationships with parents, carers and wider stakeholders are exceptionally strong and one of the key reasons school is so popular. This approach starts with the Head Teacher and is shared by all staff at Easington.’ November 2023

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