Good morning
I hope this update finds you all well.
We have received an email this morning from Durham County Council to inform us that they will be coming in during half term to fit the new flooring in all of the areas affected by the flood damage. This is great news but means that all of the rooms will need to be emptied so the flooring can be laid. Therefore, over the course of today and tomorrow, staff will be moving everything out of my office, the staffroom, the library and the ICT room into the school hall. This unfortunately means I have no choice but to rearrange Celebration Worship for parents tomorrow as the hall will be out of bounds.
Apologies for this, but obviously getting the school back to normal for children and staff is our priority. Celebration Worship for parents will now take place on Friday 18th November at 2:30pm.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Many thanks
Mr Appleby