Below is the PESSPA (
Activity) update for the Spring and Summer Terms. The first point to note is that all classes in school access two hours of P.E on a weekly basis thus ensuring we are meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. During this term, Year 5 have been accessing swimming and water safety provision every Monday afternoon. We have prioritised Year 5 in the Spring term as the statutory, legal requirement of the National Curriculum is that the children are able to (by the end of Key Stage Two):
Swimming and water safety
In particular, pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
The assessment of these skills is reported to the Government at the end of each academic year as the proportion of Year 6 children who have met the minimum requirements stipulated above.
Also during the Spring Term, Year 5 have accessed Adventure Access-they have participated in climbing workshops at the Sunderland Climbing Wall and are currently completing water based activities (kayaking, canoeing and paddleboarding) at Seahm marina and the River Wear in Durham City. This is an enhancement to our provision that we will prioritise to continue over the coming academic years.
As part of our RESPECT Curriculum in school, each class has continued to access the Commando Joe’s program. This entails each class completing missions based on various elements of the RESPECT curriculum, such as teamwork and empathy etc. Each class will be working on these missions throughout the course of the academic year.
To aid with transition (and to enhance the P.E provision) from Key Stage Two to Key Stage Three, Year 6 have been accessing additional P.E sessions at Easington Academy which have been run by the PE staff from the Academy with Mrs. Appleby. These additional sessions have, and will continue to take place, on a Thursday morning. During this term, the children have completed sessions focusing on handball, hockey and trampolining.
Mr. Appleby has also been running the school football during the course of the Spring Term. Children from Year 5 and 6 have been completing in our local league competition and various cup competitions. The matches have been held on a Thursday after school. The team performed brilliantly over the course of the season and finished in a very respectable 7
th place overall. The football season for girls has begun and the girls team have currently competed in a cup and league competion. The seaon for the girls’ team is due to end in the summer term. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who have attended the matches to support our team.
As you may also be aware, our school is also a member of the Easington School Sports Partnership (ESSP). Being a member of this partnership allows school access to various sporting competitions and events. During the course of this Autumn Term, we have competed/participated in the following events:
- A swimming gala for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children
- Balance Bike tuition for EYFS and Year One children
- Basketball – Year 6. Year 6 are scheduled to compete in a basketball final on the 14th June, 3.45pm at East Durham College against Blackhall Primary School.
- Football – Year 3/4
- New Age Kurling – Year 5
- Boccia – Year 5/6
- Tennis – Year 3/4
- Snorkelling – Year 5 and Year 6
There is also a range of other events which have been orgainsed to take place across the remainder of the academic year, which will involve all year groups. It is worth noting whilst there are numerous events that are due to take place, each child in school will not be able to participate in all events. As a small school, we endeavour to ensure that all of our children will have some element of school sport during their time in each year group in school. This, added to the requirements of each event, e.g. for the girls football competition we were only able to send one team with a maximum of 9 players, means that not all children will compete in all events.
There is also a ‘Homewalk’ project which is specifically aimed at children Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Your child should have brought home the parent guide, their journal ansd stickers to complete the project. The overall aim of the prject is to encourage children to complete more walking in and around County Durham and come with a plethora of resources to support them in doing this.
School’s after school provision has also been utilised to provide children with a range of sporting experiences. So far over the Spring and Summer Term (1
st half) we have offered the following sporting opportunities:
- Cricket – this club was very kindly run by Mr. Osborne
- Table Tennis
- Foundation of Light – multi-skills club
- Multi-skills club – Easington School Sport Partnership
- Netball – this club is very kindly being run by Mr. and Mrs McGee and Mrs. Miller
- Fencing
These sporting clubs are also in addition to the other clubs currently being run, such as lego and cinema club etc.
As was mentioned in the Autumn Term update, I have now completed the Disney Shooting Stars football teacher training. From next academic year, the central themes of story telling through play (Key Stage 1) and an after school football club (Key Stage Two) will run in order to ensourgae girls to develop the fundamental skills of movement and then how to apply them (Key Stage Two) in various sporting situations.
It is also worth noting that as a school we are tasked ensure that the curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure children are given the most well-rounded and productive education possible, for the maximum benefit of our amazing children. This is the primary focus when considering how the curriculum is organised and delivered to our children.
I will produce another update at the end of the Summer Term to again detail school’s level of participation in PESSPA. Should you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me through the school office.
Kindest regards,
Mr. Churchill