FAO our EYFS and Year 1 parents
Dear parents
As always, I hope this update finds you all safe and well.
Following on from my correspondence sent on Friday 23rd October, I would like to provide you with an update regarding the Nativity Performance this year.
As a school, we feel it is very important for the children to still take part in a Nativity Performance. Therefore, I can confirm that this will be going ahead this term and Ms Lilley and Miss Defty are excited to get started!
Unfortunately, as you can appreciate, due to the current restrictions and guidelines, we will not be able to invite parents in to school to watch our wonderful children performing the Nativity Story. Therefore, we have decided to record the performance this year and download it onto a DVD which will be sent out to parents on the last day of term (Friday 18th December). There will be no charge for this as the school will fund the cost.
Nearer the time, I will be sending a permission slip for you to sign to allow your child to be filmed in the performance.
I appreciate this won't be the same as seeing the performance live, however parents will have a treasured memory that you can watch over and over again.
Thank you
Mr Appleby