Autumn Term provision – Parental Update
Easington C of E Primary School
Following the Government guidance released last week in relation to schools returning in September, we have outlined below the measures that will be in place to ensure school is as safe as possible for children, parents and staff. Please follow the link below for comprehensive guidance that we have used to inform our decisions and complete the necessary risk assessments.
Please note that there are several changes/alterations that
we are required to make. To that end, school will be a different environment to when it was closed on March 20
Each class will be a ‘bubble’. Each bubble will not be able to interact with any other bubbles in school and contact between them whilst moving around school will also be minimised. During our wrap around care provision, the relevant guidance for this will be strictly adhered to.
Each bubble is as follows:
Bubble 1 – EYFS
Bubble 2 – Year 1
Bubble 3 – Year 2/3
Bubble 4 – Year 4
Bubble 5 – Year 5/6
Arriving at school:
From September, children from each class will be asked to arrive at school at different times and through different entrances. It is of vital importance that these times are adhered to so that there is no delay in the children commencing their education. Please see below the times of arrival for each class:
Time |
Car park entrance |
Side gate |
8.40-8.50am |
Mrs. Appleby’s class |
Miss. O’Neil’s class |
8.55-9.05am |
Mr. Churchill’s class |
Miss. Defty’s class |
9.10-9.20am |
Ms. Lilley’s class |
We fully appreciate that for parents who have children in more than one class these drop off times can pose a challenge. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to stagger the start times to adhere to Government guidance. If this does cause an issue for parents then we will be offering the Breakfast Club provision from September, which would enable parents to drop their children off at the same time.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances resulting in your child being late, please can we request that you inform the school as soon as possible so the appropriate safety measures can be implemented.
Classes entering through the car park entrance will enter the main school building through the side gate next to the MUGA.
Classes entering school through the side gate will enter the school building through the main school entrance except Ms. Lilley’s class, who will access the EYFS classroom through the gate to EYFS garden.
Upon arrival at school,
ALL children will be required to apply hand sanitiser before entering classrooms. This process will be repeated at break times, lunch times and home time as well as any other times throughout the day where the class teacher deems it necessary.
It is of the utmost importance that these arrangements and times are not deviated from. Parents and carers are strongly advised to NOT congregate on the school premises (yard, car park etc.) and leave as soon as they have dropped their child/children off.
Morning Playtime: 10:35 – 10:50am
Children will all have morning playtime at the same time. However, children will be kept separate from each class and will have their own designated area, which they will not be able to deviate from (please see below). In the event of inclement weather, indoor playtimes will be spent in classrooms, in the class bubbles.
EYFS – EYFS Garden/Field
Y2/3 – Yard
Y4 – Bottom half of field
Y5/6 – top half of field and pavement area outside of Y2/3 class
Lunch will be eaten in classrooms. Children will be allowed to bring the following from home:
-Packed lunch
-Morning snack
-Water bottle
End of the school day
Similarly, to arriving in school, the end of the school day will also be staggered. Again, if this poses a challenge to parents of children in different classes, then our after school provision is an option so that children can be collected at the same time. It is of vital importance that these times are adhered to so that there is no delay in the children being collected and leaving the premises unless they are accessing after school provision. Please see below the times of departure for each class.
Time |
Car park entrance |
Side gate |
3.25pm |
Mrs. Appleby’s class |
Miss. O’Neil’s class |
3.15pm |
Mr. Churchill’s class |
Miss. Defty’s class |
3.05pm |
Ms. Lilley’s class |
Ms. Lilley’s class will exit school through the EYFS side gate (the same gate used to enter on the morning) and exit the school site through the side gate.
Miss. Defty’s class will exit school through the main entrance and exit school site through the side gate.
Miss. O’Neil class will exit school through the main entrance and exit school site through the side gate.
Mr. Churchill’s class will exit through the side gate next to the MUGA and exit the school site through the main car park gate.
Mrs. Appleby’s class will exit through the side gate next to the MUGA and exit the school site through the main car park gate.
It should also be noted by parents/carers that you will not be able to enter the school building without a prior appointment-this is for the safety of all. If you require an appointment with a member of staff, please email or phone the school office to arrange this.
Unfortunately there will be NO parental events during the
Autumn Term - this includes Family Friday, class collective worships etc. As you know this is a huge part of our school ethos and it is very disappointing, however we must follow the guidance given. If the guidance around this changes, school will alter the arrangements in compliance with this.
Classroom Organisation:
The guidance also requires the arranging classrooms with forward facing desks –
children are able to sit by the side of each other but NOT facing each other. This will be a change for children who are more familiar with being in groups. The sharing of resources (pencils, books etc) between children is not allowed.
It is still recommended that pupils limit the amount of equipment they bring into school each day, so essentials such as a packed lunch, hats, coats and books. Bags are allowed. Pupils can take books and other shared resources home, although unnecessary sharing should be avoided. School will provide each child with the stationary they require.
Hand washing routines
There will be rigorous and stringent hand washing and sanitising routines in place. Children will sanitise their hands upon entering school and at break and lunch times. There will also be additional cleaning opportunities and hygiene practices taking place, which will be at the discretion of the class teacher. School will provide hand gel for children to utilise. School will also be advocating the use of the ‘catch it, kill it, bin it’ approach at all times in school.
Please can we request that you emphasise the importance of hygiene to your children before they return to school in September.
School uniform should be worn in accordance with the school’s uniform policy and that uniform
‘does not need to be cleaned more often than is usual’ as stipulated by Government guidance.
Upon their return to school in September, the children will still have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. However, the curriculum provision has been carefully planned and sequenced to allow children the opportunity to ‘catch up’ with work that they have missed.
From September 2020, the children will have access to a curriculum that includes new elements. Please see below for a summary of this.
In order to help address gaps that may be apparent in mathematics, the children will access a
‘daily maths meeting’ (Key Stage 2 only). This is a session of 30 minutes
in addition to the usual mathematics lesson of 60 minutes. This means that children in Key Stage 2 will have 90 minutes of mathematics each school day. The focus of the daily maths meeting will come from ongoing assessment for learning and will focus on addressing any gaps in knowledge from the previous year’s curriculum. Alongside this, the ‘usual’ mathematics lesson will focus on teaching the
current year group’s content building on previous knowledge and assessment.
For Key Stage 1 children, the decision to not have a daily maths meeting has been made to emphasise other curriculum elements, namely phonics and reading, but it should be noted that the children in Key Stage 1 would still access a mathematics lesson of 60 minutes each day.
Similarly to mathematics, the children will have access to a ‘
daily English meeting’. This session will also be 30 minutes in duration and will be
in addition to the ‘usual’ 60-minute English lesson. This means children in
both Key Stages will have access to
90 minutes of English per day. In Key Stage 1, the focus of the daily English meeting will be phonics and reading (meaning that the children in Key Stage 1 will access two phonics sessions per day) based. In Key Stage 2, the focus will be determined from ongoing Assessment for Learning and could be based on a range of grammar, reading, use of punctuation activities based on the needs of the children.
Our Curriculum
We will still be teaching a broad and balanced curriculum, which is vital in providing an overall education with non-core subjects, such as history, art, geography etc. having high importance and emphasis throughout school. As in previous years, Medium Term Planning will be available on our website for each class. This will show a detailed week-by-week overview of what topic the children will be learning in each half term.
Children across school will also access the two hours of PE each week.
Year 2 and Year 6
Children in Year 2 and Year 6 are both working towards the end of a Key Stage. It has been announced this week that end of Key Stage 1 and 2 statutory assessments for 2021
will be going ahead. It is therefore of vital importance that these children have additional opportunities to catch up after the prolonged absence to ensure that they are ‘Key Stage 2 ready’ and ‘Key Stage 3 ready’. Therefore, school has decided to offer two additional booster sessions, which will begin
week beginning 7th September for these year groups (
these boosters will run all year). One of the additional sessions will have an English focus whilst the other additional session will focus on maths. The specific work to be covered within these sessions will be dictated by ongoing Assessment for Learning carried out in class by the class teacher.
The sessions will take place as follows:
Wednesday – 3.30pm-4.30pm – English
Friday – 2.30pm – 3.30pm – Mathematics
Miss. O’Neill will provide both booster sessions for Year 2 with support from the Senior Leadership Team.
Mrs. Appleby will provide the English booster for Year 6 on a Wednesday and Mr. Churchill will provide the mathematics booster for Year 6 on a Friday.
Whilst attendance at his boosters is not a legal requirement, we would
strongly advise that all children attend in order to maximise the learning that can occur and for the benefit of the children concerned. If children are not attending booster clubs, Mr Appleby will be contacting parents to ascertain reasons why.
There will be no charge for booster sessions throughout the year.
Children are still expected to adhere to the behaviour policy, which was in place before lockdown. Rewards and incentives will still play a huge role in everyday school life.
School has decided that we will focus on having visitors into school to provide curriculum enrichment during the Autumn Term 2020. School trips will resume in the Spring Term allowing more time for the pandemic to continue to improve.
New appointment
During the Autumn Term, we will be making a new appointment. This will be an additional Teaching Assistant. As well as this, we have also increased some of our existing Teaching Assistants hours. We are confident this will have a positive impact on our school.
Our wonderful school will look different in September but we know with your support and help we can make it a success. Thank you for everything over these past few months, particularly in supporting children with their learning, which we know has been challenging in these unprecedented times.
We wish you all a lovely summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Senior Leadership Team, all staff and governors.
Autumn Term Provision 2020
PDF copy of the above information