Healthy Eating

A Melrose Learning Trust School


School Lunches

Our school kitchen provides healthy, nutritious meals for our children.  Please see below for this terms menu.   Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal each day under the Universal Free School Meals scheme.  For children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 there is a charge of £2.81 per day.

School meals from Monday 4th November 2024 onwards:

AW 24 Standard 3 Choice Picture Menu

Packed Lunches

A healthy Packed Lunch includes:

  • A good portion of starchy food – thick wholemeal bread, chapatti, pita pocket, pasta or rice.
  • A portion of protein – humus, bean or lentil salad, meat, fish or eggs.
  • A portion of dairy – a piece of cheese, individual cheese portions, a pot of high fat low sugar yogurt and some fruit or vegetable.

Please do not include sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks in packed lunches. Due to Health and Safety, flasks are not allowed as part of a Packed Lunch.

packed lunch policy sept 2022

Snack and Water

Children may bring either a piece of fruit or some vegetables (e.g carrots) to eat outside at break time. This needs to be stored in the child’s tray. Please also ensure your child has a water bottle which they fill with water at home and bring to school daily.