Life Beyond Easington

A Melrose Learning Trust School

In order to give our children the wings to fly, we need to ensure that as a school we are preparing them all in the best way possible for life beyond Easington C of E Primary School.  There are various ways we ensure this so that our children leave our school as responsible, caring, kind and tolerant young people with good, strong morals so that they can become valued members of a modern and diverse society.

Fundamental British Values

At Easington C of E Primary School, fundamental British values are taught and demonstrated explicitly through the curriculum.  For example, democracy is used to decide on whole school initiatives, such as voting for Head Boy, Head Girl and school council members.

House Team afternoons also focus on Fundamental British Values and why they are important in our school and wider society.

Protected Characteristics

Equality and valuing people for who they are is at the core of life at Easington C of E Primary School.  Children understand the importance of embracing difference, having tolerance and respect and not being judgemental about people or groups in society.

Aspiration Day

Linked to the Start Small, Dream Big project, an Aspiration Day is held on an annual basis. This involves parents and representatives from local businesses and industry coming into school to talk to children about the career opportunities open to them.  Children have the opportunity to ask questions, role play and complete activities linked to different careers.